The gorillas live in family groups, lots of young gorillas. There is usually only one dominant Silverback per group. A male gorilla is known as a blackback until roughly 11-12 years of age when their silverback will appear. At that time there is usually a challenge to the dominant Silverback for their position or the younger Silverback will go out and form his own group. They move through the forest foraging on fruit that is ripe. The environment for photographing is extremely challenging, lowlight and lots of vegetation.
There are habituated groups of gorillas that you buy a permit to enter the park and trek to see for 1 hour access. I visited Mubare Group, Habinyanja Group, and Bitukura Group.
Experiencing a Silverback thumping his chest is exhilarating. I didn’t get a shot of it but could feel it in my own chest. Absolutely majestic!!
Young gorillas are inquisitive of humans. We had the pleasure of seeing a mother carrying a 3 week old baby.